While on the subject of Gramma's Coverlette, I would like to add that after 100 plus years you must think the thing is just filthy. Not so Gramma put that sucker in the big galvanized tub and put it on the stove and boiled the heck out of it, then squeezed it out by twisting it, then hung it on the line for 5 days to dry.
Aren't we lucky today to have that wonderful washer dryer combo, we would have Gramma's coverlette washed and dryed in about an hour, and very sanitized I might add, no leaves or twigs stuck in it, and not to mention no risk of bird poo!!!
ps. See what happens when Gramma leaves her wash tub outside to cool - Really big problem........
Karen,Owner,professional sewer,webmaster
See my other sites:
www.karenhughes.bhipglobal.com http://www.myxango.ca/karenhughes1/
I love your little buddy enjoying a cool bath!